MW10 Cardiology Patient Simulator K


Cardiology Patient Simulator K Ver. 2 is a comprehensive simulation model with 88 examples of heart diseases and arrhythmias. The model provides a life-like, hands-on training experience for students with its soft touch and cardiology sounds recorded from actual patients. The wheels on the cart allow for easy transportation, and Simulator K is accessible to any site where clinical training is required.


  • Use of stethoscope:
    A real stethoscope can be used
  • Heart Sounds and Murmurs
    Auscultation in relation to synchronized electrocardiograms and findings.
    -differentiation of S1, S2, S3 and S4
    -discrimination between systolic and diastolic murmurs
  • Palpation of arterial pulse at 8 sites:
    Slight variations of the arterial pulse waves under different cardiac conditions or arrhythmias can be detected by palpation
  • Observation of jugular vein pulses:
    The strength and timing of “α “and “V” waves vary with cases
  • Palpation of Cardiac Impulses:
    RV, LV and DLV are simulated and can be palpated
  • Real-time dynamic charts on the screen:
    -sphygmogram (CAP/JVP/AC)
    -electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Respiratory Sounds and Abdominal Movement:
    Respiratory cycle is represented to understand respiratory-related phenomena
Category: SKU: 11389-999-A